Making a Little Planet Panorma using Python and Scikit Image

- 12 mins

This post is also available as an IPython notebook which may be downloaded or viewed online.

Recently I shared a post on G+ which had a Google “photosphere” transformed into the “little planet” projection. This post (and associated IPython notebook) will walk you through the way I created the planet image using scikit-image. This was my first steps with scikit-image since previously I had been using OpenCV. Unfortunately OpenCV is a bit of a pain to install and so I was looking for a pip-installable library with the functionality I required.

Loading the initial panorama

As usual, we need a little bit of boiler-plate to locad matplotlib and numpy. I’m also going to import the Pillow library for loading images (although I think scikit-image could do that).

# IPython magic to allow inline plots
%matplotlib inline

import os # for file and pathname handling functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# Set the default matplotlib figure size to be a bit bigger than default
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16,9)

On my phone, the photosphere is stored as a single JPEG file. Let’s use Pillow to load the image and display it via matplotlib:

pano = np.asarray('~/Downloads/PANO_20140927_124513.jpg')))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f91a1106090>


Beautiful. The next step is to work out how to warp this image.

Image warping via scikit-image

Looking at the appropriate section in the scikit-learn documentation, we see that there is a handy function called warp which will do exactly what we want. The function takes, amongst other inputs, the image to warp, the output image shape and a function which specifies the warp itself.

This function takes a N⨉2 array of (x,y) co-ordinates in the output image and turns them into a corresponding array of co-ordinates in the input image. Let’s just have a go at that using a very simple function which scales and shifts the co-ordinates:

from skimage.transform import warp

def scale_by_5_and_offset(coords):
    out = coords * 5
    out[:,0] += 1000
    out[:,1] += 300
    return out

plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # A square figure for square output
plt.imshow(warp(pano, scale_by_5_and_offset, output_shape=(256,256)))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f917c93c610>


The “little planet” projection

The panorama we have is in the “equirectangular” projection which means that the y-co-ordinate represents the up-down angle and the x-co-ordinate represents the left-right angle. The little planet projection takes a different approach: the up-down angle is now specified by the distance from the centre of the image and the left-right angle is given by the angle from the horizontal in the image.

Given a particular output image shape, therefore, we can convert a co-ordinate in that image to a radius and angle, or 𝑟 and 𝜃 pair:

# What shape will the output be?
output_shape = (1080,1080) # rows x columns

def output_coord_to_r_theta(coords):
    """Convert co-ordinates in the output image to r, theta co-ordinates.
    The r co-ordinate is scaled to range from from 0 to 1. The theta
    co-ordinate is scaled to range from 0 to 1.
    A Nx2 array is returned with r being the first column and theta being
    the second.
    # Calculate x- and y-co-ordinate offsets from the centre:
    x_offset = coords[:,0] - (output_shape[1]/2)
    y_offset = coords[:,1] - (output_shape[0]/2)
    # Calculate r and theta in pixels and radians:
    r = np.sqrt(x_offset ** 2 + y_offset ** 2)
    theta = np.arctan2(y_offset, x_offset)
    # The maximum value r can take is the diagonal corner:
    max_x_offset, max_y_offset = output_shape[1]/2, output_shape[0]/2
    max_r = np.sqrt(max_x_offset ** 2 + max_y_offset ** 2)
    # Scale r to lie between 0 and 1
    r = r / max_r
    # arctan2 returns an angle in radians between -pi and +pi. Re-scale
    # it to lie between 0 and 1
    theta = (theta + np.pi) / (2*np.pi)
    # Stack r and theta together into one array. Note that r and theta are initially
    # 1-d or "1xN" arrays and so we vertically stack them and then transpose
    # to get the desired output.
    return np.vstack((r, theta)).T

We’re now very nearly in a position to generate our first little planet picture. In our original panorama 𝑟=0 corresponds to the bottom of the picture (i.e. maximum y-co-ordinate) and 𝑟=1 corresponds to the top (i.e. a y-co-ordinate of zero). Similarly 𝜃=0 corresponds to an x-co-ordinate of 0 and 𝜃=1 corresponds to the maximum x-co-ordinate. We can write a function to convert these co- ordinates:

# This is the shape of our input image
input_shape = pano.shape

def r_theta_to_input_coords(r_theta):
    """Convert a Nx2 array of r, theta co-ordinates into the corresponding
    co-ordinates in the input image.
    Return a Nx2 array of input image co-ordinates.
    # Extract r and theta from input
    r, theta = r_theta[:,0], r_theta[:,1]
    # Theta wraps at the side of the image. That is to say that theta=1.1
    # is equivalent to theta=0.1 => just extract the fractional part of
    # theta
    theta = theta - np.floor(theta)
    # Calculate the maximum x- and y-co-ordinates
    max_x, max_y = input_shape[1]-1, input_shape[0]-1
    # Calculate x co-ordinates from theta
    xs = theta * max_x
    # Calculate y co-ordinates from r noting that r=0 means maximum y
    # and r=1 means minimum y
    ys = (1-r) * max_y
    # Return the x- and y-co-ordinates stacked into a single Nx2 array
    return np.hstack((xs, ys))

Let’s test our mapping functions using the warp function:

def little_planet_1(coords):
    """Chain our two mapping functions together."""
    r_theta = output_coord_to_r_theta(coords)
    input_coords = r_theta_to_input_coords(r_theta)
    return input_coords

plt.imshow(warp(pano, little_planet_1, output_shape=output_shape))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f917c8ab2d0>


That’s not a bad first attempt but it would be nicer if we had a bit more horizon and a little less ground. That is to say we’d like to map 𝑟 a bit so that it increases quite rapidly to start with but flattens off a little. Usefully the square root function behaves a little like that:

rs = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
plt.plot(rs, np.sqrt(rs))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f917c88e7d0>]


So let’s modify our little planet projection to take the square root of 𝑟:

def little_planet_2(coords):
    """Chain our two mapping functions together with modified r."""
    r_theta = output_coord_to_r_theta(coords)
    # Take square root of r
    r_theta[:,0] = np.sqrt(r_theta[:,0])
    input_coords = r_theta_to_input_coords(r_theta)
    return input_coords

plt.imshow(warp(pano, little_planet_2, output_shape=output_shape))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f917c7eeb90>


That’s better. The castle and trees look less warped. It would be nice to have the castle come out at a slightly different angle though. We can do that by shifting theta:

def little_planet_3(coords):
    """Chain our two mapping functions together with modified r
    and shifted theta.
    r_theta = output_coord_to_r_theta(coords)
    # Take square root of r
    r_theta[:,0] = np.sqrt(r_theta[:,0])
    # Shift theta
    r_theta[:,1] += 0.1
    input_coords = r_theta_to_input_coords(r_theta)
    return input_coords

plt.imshow(warp(pano, little_planet_3, output_shape=output_shape))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f917c7d4790>


That’s nicer. There’s possibly a little too much sky so, finally, let’s just zooom in a bit by scaling $r$ down a bit:

def little_planet_4(coords):
    """Chain our two mapping functions together with modified and
    scaled r and shifted theta.
    r_theta = output_coord_to_r_theta(coords)
    # Scale r down a little to zoom in
    r_theta[:,0] *= 0.75
    # Take square root of r
    r_theta[:,0] = np.sqrt(r_theta[:,0])
    # Shift theta
    r_theta[:,1] += 0.1
    input_coords = r_theta_to_input_coords(r_theta)
    return input_coords

plt.imshow(warp(pano, little_planet_4, output_shape=output_shape))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f917c738290>


Saving the result

I’m happy with this image now. Let’s use Pillow to save the result:

# Compute final warped image
pano_warp = warp(pano, little_planet_4, output_shape=output_shape)

# The image is a NxMx3 array of floating point values from 0 to 1. Convert this to
# bytes from 0 to 255 for saving the image:
pano_warp = (255 * pano_warp).astype(np.uint8)

# Use Pillow to save the image

IPython can display images directly fiven a filename. Let’s just check it saved correctly:

from IPython.display import Image as display_Image



In this post we gave a quick example of how to interactively play with an image and warp it from an equirectangular projection to the popular “little planet” projection.

Rich Wareham

Rich Wareham

You know, programming is fun!

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